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Selectmen Minutes 05/13/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Member Present: Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: John Freeman, Alan Quimby, Jim Plunkett, John Martell, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Philip Hitchcock, Chad Roberge, Jason Weir

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm


Department Heads

Police – Chief Clarke was unable to attend but there was nothing to report as he had informed Mr. Martell

Emergency Management – Nothing to report

Fire – Chief Quimby stated that he does not have a lot to discuss. All has been pretty quiet. One question is an inquiry to the board as for the direction the board has given to the Fire Warden regarding billing for forest fires. What is the direction that you have given to the Warden?

Mr. Paveglio stated that the direction that we gave him was not to send any bills without us reviewing and to follow the state’s direction. To be quite honest the conversation with the warden was more about sending bills to residents. I don’t think it is a good practice to bill other towns for equipment.

Chief Quimby stated that a bill was sent to another town. The chief over there is now quite upset and I now have to start to rebuild the relationship again.

Mr. DeBold asked what we need to do to smooth this situation over.

Mr. Paveglio stated that he feels we need to sit with the forest fire warden and discuss this further.

Mr. Paveglio stated that he had reviewed the budgets and the heat at the fire department and the line is already over expended so that will be something that we will need to watch.

Building – John Freeman stated that the issuance of permits has been slow but there is one new home on Kaime Road.

Library – Lucille Noel stated the May book sale is on Saturday as well as the art exhibit. We met with Jodi at the library yesterday regarding the memorandum of understanding. We received three bids for the heating and duct work and we would like to move forward with AJ LeBlanc. We do need to have a public hearing to expend these funds so that will be held on June 3. We hired our library aid and she is starting later this week.

Highway – Jim Plunkett stated the Roadway RFP for rehabilitation draft had been submitted but RAC had talked about liquidation damages. I will be moving forward with the sealed bid for equipment to sell. Started the road at the fire station. Doing it in between jobs and it should be done in a little bit. Putting gravels down and grading tomorrow and into next week. I have gotten some bids for the overlay of Depot Street. Gordon Ellis is doing all of 244ft. I am trying to coordinate so that they can just come up to the bridge. Reviewed the listing of work that needs to be completed as was stated during the budget season.

Mr. Paveglio stated the budget overtime line is close as winter was harsh. We have the sander rack RFP but we have nothing on the site plan. Mrs. Pinard was asked to follow up.
Jim stated that he has worked on the new entrance for the highway garage.

Abatement -
Jason Weir stated that he has some questions for the assessor and properties that are similar to his.

Chad Roberge reviewed Mr. Weir’s assessment.  On the bottom of the assessment card it states that it is in a commercial zone.  $62,000 for residential land value and commercial is at $140,000. I did two possible units to rent so I had to figure the possible income. 25% depreciation rate is the cost to repair. If going through that and comparing it to comps around. Land value is just a straight. It was not really a comparable sale property.

Jason Weir stated that he is in dispute with the market value versus equalization. If the assessors and I are close then I’m not coming down here. I believe that there are a lot of homes that are in the same place as I am in. There is a large discrepancy in market value and assessment. This is the problem that I face.

Mr. DeBold stated the board will take this under advisement.

Fence Request – Richard McCormack
Mr. Paveglio stated he has been involved in this conversation. I believe that we got a letter and we did not know where the property line was so we had it surveyed.
Megan McCormack stated that during the last few years my father has been repairing that fence. It is really just the first 88ft of the fence. It is strictly the parking lot fence. The lights shine into the windows. We have gotten used to the noise. The fence is not adequate due to the height. We understand the cost of a vinyl fence is more expensive. It is our belief that a vinyl fence would last a lot longer than the existing wooden fence.

Ed Millette stated if the town looks at replacing the fence it should be on the property line and not where it is now.

Mr. DeBold stated I know that there was always a gentleman’s agreement about the fence and I will support putting a fence there. But we have a problem and if we want to put a fence on the property line we do have the right

Consensus of the board was establishing a new fence in the first 88 feet along the property line ensuring it is a 6 foot fence. Quotes for both wood and vinyl fencing will be brought to next weeks’ meeting for review.

General Business/Board Discussion

Map 4 Lot 151 – 10 Dover Road
Mrs. Pinard informed the board that she, Jamie, and JSJ Auctions walked the property to be auctioned in July. The auction house will get back to the town will a contract and a recommended minimum sale amount.

Public Input:
Ed Millette stated there is a house on Main Street that has had their barn roof collapse and was wondering what the town could do if anything for safety reasons.

Lucille Noel informed the board that 6 more sugar maple trees have been planted on Canterbury Road. It is quite a commitment. This make 10 trees on town land.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 8:22pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,

Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold, Chair   D. Michael Paveglio     Jeffrey Jordan